Search found 10 matches

by wolph
19 Sep 2023, 10:03
Forum: Feature discussion
Topic: [Feature Request\ Change speed limit to Mb/s
Replies: 2
Views: 24350

Re: [Feature Request\ Change speed limit to Mb/s

I know this is an old feature request but I think it's becoming more and more useful over time so perhaps we can bump this a little ;) Since Gbit connections are becoming the norm in many locations it would be good to have a higher speed limit. Having to enter 90000 so you don't fully saturate your ...
by wolph
04 Apr 2015, 17:06
Forum: Support
Topic: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads
Replies: 9
Views: 10225

Re: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads

The purpose of health check is to detect unrepairable downloads and to do that during download process, as soon as possible to avoid downloading of all files when it becomes clear that the repair will fail anyway. The check is performed by calculating of critical health and current health. The calc...
by wolph
04 Apr 2015, 12:18
Forum: Support
Topic: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads
Replies: 9
Views: 10225

Re: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads

I've checked several files and they're all not repairable, I did notice however that not all of the par files were downloaded. So I'm thinking that might have been the cause, whether it's related to diskspace issues or something else I can't really verify anymore. For at least one file I could force...
by wolph
02 Apr 2015, 20:50
Forum: Support
Topic: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads
Replies: 9
Views: 10225

Re: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads

Did some checks and it indeed seems that it's the par fail files that are causing this.

Can you explain why these are not being deleted like the health checked failures? Regardless of whether it's the health check or the par/unpack, it's still a failed and unusable download.
by wolph
01 Apr 2015, 07:43
Forum: Support
Topic: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads
Replies: 9
Views: 10225

Re: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads

I'm indeed talking about PAR failed files, perhaps it's related to astraweb failing but I'm getting quite a few. The reason why diskspace is so important for me is that I generally download and unpack on my ssd and automatically move it to my disks for storage after. That way my disks can shut down ...
by wolph
31 Mar 2015, 21:37
Forum: Support
Topic: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads
Replies: 9
Views: 10225

Re: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads

It's not really about hiding them but more about deleting the files for old/failed downloads. Failed video files can easily take up 10-20GB each which is a bit of a waste of space. After a par check fails it can automatically delete the download for all I care as it's probably not going to succeed a...
by wolph
31 Mar 2015, 19:52
Forum: Support
Topic: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads
Replies: 9
Views: 10225

Re: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads

Does noone else have this problem? Don't your failed downloads pile up?
by wolph
11 Mar 2015, 11:51
Forum: Support
Topic: Automatic cleanup of failed downloads
Replies: 9
Views: 10225

Automatic cleanup of failed downloads

Perhaps this has been asked before but I can't figure out how to automatically delete/cleanup failed downloads. I can write a post-processing script (or scheduled script) to do this but I was wondering if there's an option already available.
by wolph
04 Mar 2015, 23:24
Forum: Support
Topic: How to make Nzbget more crash resilient?
Replies: 2
Views: 2276

Re: How to make Nzbget more crash resilient?

Done, running r1228 now :) It's most definitely a hardware issue, but unless I've been unpacking for about ~30 minutes non-stop it has no problems, I just had a huge backlog right now so it was downloading and unpacking like crazy. Already did some memory tests, increased fan speeds and checked the ...
by wolph
04 Mar 2015, 21:39
Forum: Support
Topic: How to make Nzbget more crash resilient?
Replies: 2
Views: 2276

How to make Nzbget more crash resilient?

At times it happens that the machine I mostly use for my downloads crashes, I'm suspecting some faulty hardware since it mostly occurs during high-cpu load (which causes the nzbget correlation) but it's hard to trace the exact cause and since it generally doesn't bother me too much I just leave it b...