Search found 2 matches

by Huey
09 Dec 2017, 17:15
Forum: Support
Topic: Running nzbget as a different user
Replies: 19
Views: 14367

Re: Running nzbget as a different user

Hello, I also use option DaemonUserName but I think in version 2.0.2159 it does not work anymore? When I start from commandline as that different user: /opt/nzbget/nzbget -c /opt/nzbget/.nzbget -D it indeed runs as that user, and is accesible from web.. When I start as root or from sysvinit it will ...
by Huey
08 Mar 2015, 23:16
Forum: Third-party addons
Topic: iOS8 Widget for NZBGet
Replies: 18
Views: 109970

Re: iOS8 Widget for NZBGet

Hi, curious for your app, BUT: I am using https and authorization and I get connection errors... Will this be fixed soon? Regards, Huey Edit1: on default port without https I also get connection error. I do use authorization, is that what is (still) broken? Edit2: with privileged ip and thus without...