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by blademan
02 Dec 2020, 00:33
Forum: Support
Topic: Intel + Windows 10 AES cipher fails on supported provider
Replies: 10
Views: 20777

Re: Intel + Windows 10 AES cipher fails on supported provider

Leaving cipher blank works, running 21.0. I was making some tweaks based off these recommendations, and Intel can perform AES in HW: Activating the encrypted communication with news server (option ServerX.Encryption) makes a huge impact on performance. Use option ...
by blademan
01 Dec 2020, 21:13
Forum: Support
Topic: Intel + Windows 10 AES cipher fails on supported provider
Replies: 10
Views: 20777

Re: Intel + Windows 10 AES cipher fails on supported provider

Curious. I'm running v 21.0. Just tried reinstalling from a fresh download, same error. I don't see a LogFile. Recommended next steps?
by blademan
01 Dec 2020, 20:52
Forum: Support
Topic: Intel + Windows 10 AES cipher fails on supported provider
Replies: 10
Views: 20777

Re: Intel + Windows 10 AES cipher fails on supported provider

Server1.Cipher=AES256-SHA worked for with NZBGet on Windows for you? Maybe my string is incorrect, according to the note in the setttings config: "NOTE: You may get a TLS handshake error if the news server does not support the chosen cipher. You can also get an error " Could...
by blademan
29 Nov 2020, 23:18
Forum: Support
Topic: Intel + Windows 10 AES cipher fails on supported provider
Replies: 10
Views: 20777

Intel + Windows 10 AES cipher fails on supported provider

Reading this article: , my Intel cpu supports AES and this old post shows my provider supports AES: . When I use Server1.Cipher=AES256-SHA Testing the connection, I get: Could not selec...
by blademan
29 Nov 2020, 22:45
Forum: Support
Topic: How to setup PATHS on Windows ?
Replies: 3
Views: 7134

Re: How to setup PATHS on Windows ?

This is what I set, with an SSD for C:, and HDD for D:
  • MainDir: C:\NZBGet
  • DestDir: D:\nzbget
  • NzbDir: C:\Users\me\Downloads
I left everything else unchanged, and works well.
by blademan
29 Jan 2018, 22:06
Forum: Feature discussion
Topic: [Feature Request\ Change speed limit to Mb/s
Replies: 2
Views: 24333

[Feature Request\ Change speed limit to Mb/s

Hi there. Just stumbled on this product while searching for a Linux program. Amazingly fast and efficient!! Request to change the speed to Mb/s. M is more widespread these days for most of the globe, over K b is the widely used method for network bandwidth, whereas B is more commonly used in the blo...