Simultaneous Downloads

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Simultaneous Downloads

Post by Daskew78 » 18 May 2020, 19:51


I have dual-WAN connections and would love to be able to utilise more than 1.

My router handles which WAN is used for the load-balancing but all I need is to be able to set NAZBGet to be able to download more than download at a time.

I understand this has already been discussed but it was 5 years ago and from what I can see nothing has been implemented and the original poster didn't have dual-WAN.

Is there either a setting I can turn on for more than 1 download at once or can it be considered?


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Re: Simultaneous Downloads

Post by hugbug » 18 May 2020, 20:01

One nzb consists of thousands of pieces and many of them are downloaded simultaneously. There is no reason to download pieces from different nzbs.

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Re: Simultaneous Downloads

Post by Daskew78 » 18 May 2020, 20:35

So you're saying there's no reason to have 1 connection download 1 item and the other connection download another?

What's wrong with that? If it was a single download over a single connection I understand but it's dual lines and dual downloads.

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Re: Simultaneous Downloads

Post by hugbug » 18 May 2020, 20:39

Nothing wrong with that and that's how nzbget works already.

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Re: Simultaneous Downloads

Post by Daskew78 » 18 May 2020, 20:51

Blood from a stone comes to mind...

So how do I get it to work then? I only seem to be able to download 1 at a time?

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Re: Simultaneous Downloads

Post by hugbug » 18 May 2020, 21:09

Just make sure you have more than one connection set for your Usenet server(s) - Option ServerX.Connections.

To better understand how it works open any nzb-file in a text editor. The download (nzb) consists of many segments. They are downloaded simultaneously, not all of them but as many as connections are configured in program settings. One segment from one server connection.

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Re: Simultaneous Downloads

Post by Daskew78 » 21 May 2020, 14:00


Sorry, I've been busy for the last couple of days.

So I've gone into "Settings > News - Servers", in there I have 3 servers set up to provide (they provide several URL's) and each one is set to "8" connections.

Each line is able to download at 7-8MB/sec and does so independently, but it's still only utilising the same bandwidth even though it's capable of doing double?

Have I got something set incorrectly elsewhere or could it be a bug?

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Re: Simultaneous Downloads

Post by hugbug » 21 May 2020, 14:28

With 3 servers 8 connections each nzbget now uses 24 connections simultaneously.
Looks like all connections go through the same line meaning the load balancing doesn't work the way you expect.

You could probably setup network routes for your Usenet servers in a way where different Usenet servers to be connected through different lines. You could probably do that on the computer where nzbget is running or on your router. I don't know exactly how to do that. I would google for "network routes multi wan".

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Re: Simultaneous Downloads

Post by Daskew78 » 21 May 2020, 15:28

Hmmm it’s strange because if I do a speedtest on that takes into account multiple connections and shows me my total throughput for both connections combined.

I’m using pfSense as my router/firewall/etc... NZBGet is simply running on a Synology NAS connected to the same switch and on the default vLAN1.

I wonder if it’s anything to do with Synology? That’s running a 4 way LAG (LACP) but if anything that should make it quicker.

Or do you still think it’s something to do with network routes? (Just checking before i spend loads of time researching it when it might not be the issue).

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Re: Simultaneous Downloads

Post by Daskew78 » 22 May 2020, 00:12


Just wanted to report back that you were indeed correct.

I got it working with Dual providers and static routes. I did have it working with a single provider but it wasn't as good as a connection because their other server was in the US (I'm in the UK) so I could only specify a UK and US server. It was only $7 to signup with a second provider anyway so I've done that.

Thanks for the help.


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