[Feature Request] Download speed limit based on category

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[Feature Request] Download speed limit based on category

Post by ceevee » 16 Nov 2021, 18:57

I know that you can control + left click the icon next to the speed limit to manually switch between 2 speeds. But it would be great to have NZBGet do this automatically.

Use case: I don't mind if my automated downloads from Sonarr or Radarr complete slower, in which case I would want a lower speed limit for TV show/Movie categories. This also helps with bandwidth for other clients on the network, when automated downloads start.

But for manual downloads of NZBs in scenarios where I know I can use all the bandwidth, I want the fastest speed.

TL;DR: If I can use lower speed limits for categories, I can set unlimited speed for all downloads. This would make manual NZB downloads unlimited speed, while keeping automated TV/Movie downloads at lower speeds.

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Re: [Feature Request] Download speed limit based on category

Post by hugbug » 19 Nov 2021, 16:06

I've created an extension script for your - SpeedControl - change speed limit depending on category.

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Joined: 16 Nov 2020, 04:57

Re: [Feature Request] Download speed limit based on category

Post by ceevee » 20 Nov 2021, 11:24

Wow thanks hugbug! I tested a few categories and downloads. It works great!

For newbies on Windows like me: You need Python installed. I used Python 2.7.18. Also see Post-processing scripts section: https://nzbget.net/installation-on-windows

Scripts folder location on Windows: C:\ProgramData\NZBGet\scripts

Once everything was setup, I needed to reload NZBGet. Then it started working.


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