I have installed NZBGet from official repository & the interface is running on Manjaro. But constant getting some error messages.
At present, issues are...
1. I'm getting error message like Could not create file /home/me/Downloads/NZBGet/tmp/readurl-1.tmp. screenshot: https://imgur.com/dNL9p8K
I found 2 similar threads on internet but no fix...see Q.no.1 of https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comment ... formation/ & https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comment ... rch_linux/
2. After a reload of the interface, getting error like nzbget.conf(46): Invalid value for
option "NzbDir" (/home/me/Downloads/NZBGet/nzb): could not read
information for directory /home/me/Downloads/NZBGet/nzb: errno 13, screenshot: https://imgur.com/vLwbEwO
another similar thread https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php ... 3#p1889553
3. Other directories created by default in /home except, dst i.e. destination directory & nzbget.log, nzbget.lock files.
BTW, I followed arch wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NZBGet.
my commands..
Code: Select all
1.sudo mkdir /var/lib/nzbget
2.sudo mkdir /var/lib/nzbget/.nzbget
3.sudo cp /usr/share/nzbget/nzbget.conf /var/lib/nzbget/.nzbget
4.kate /var/lib/nzbget/.nzbget/nzbget.conf
5.sudo useradd nzbget
6.sudo chown -R nzbget:nzbget /var/lib/nzbget
7.sudo chmod -R 750 /var/lib/nzbget
8.sudo nzbget -c /var/lib/nzbget/.nzbget/nzbget.conf -D