NZBGET 17.0 on Synology?

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NZBGET 17.0 on Synology?

Post by asarian » 25 Aug 2016, 12:58

Not sure whether this is the right sub-forum for it, but who do I talk to to get NZBGET updated to 17.0 on Synology? :D I'd love to have the latest and shiniest!

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Re: NZBGET 17.0 on Synology?

Post by hugbug » 25 Aug 2016, 16:23

If you install from synocommunity repository you can ask synocommunity team.

You can also install official package from nzbget download page: choose Linux and follow the installation manual. It's easy to install but additional manual steps are required to make it start on boot and that steps are not covered in the manual as this is too specific for each system.

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Re: NZBGET 17.0 on Synology?

Post by asarian » 25 Aug 2016, 16:26

hugbug wrote:If you install from synocommunity repository you can ask synocommunity team.

You can also install official package from nzbget download page: choose Linux and follow the installation manual. It's easy to install but additional manual steps are required to make it start on boot and that steps are not covered in the manual as this is too specific for each system.
Thanks. :) I have run a FreeBSD server for years; I think I should give the manual compile a try then. Probably just need to add a few things to a startup/stop script, specifically for Synology; but that's probably my best option, I guess.

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Re: NZBGET 17.0 on Synology?

Post by hugbug » 25 Aug 2016, 16:30

You don't have to compile. You use the official installer from nzbget download page. If you are familiar with terminal you'll get it installed in two minutes (plus time to configure auto start on boot if you need this).

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Re: NZBGET 17.0 on Synology?

Post by ulrick65 » 10 Oct 2016, 00:32

hugbug: Would you suggest just installing in the current directory where 16.4 is located on the Synology? Would that overwrite everything needed, but keep the config, queue, etc. in tact?

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Re: NZBGET 17.0 on Synology?

Post by hugbug » 10 Oct 2016, 09:42

There are many ways to spread program directories across the system and that's why there are path-options in the config file.
I don't know how the paths are configured in the package you currently use.

Therefore I recommend installing into a new directory. The official installer put all files into one directory and doesn't interfere with any system directories or files.

Then you can restore your settings as explained in Backup and restore settings. Be careful about restoring options for paths; at very least do not restore WebDir and ConfigTemplate from the old config.

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Re: NZBGET 17.0 on Synology?

Post by ulrick65 » 10 Oct 2016, 13:53

Thanks for the reply.

I am trying to decide if I can finally update for DSM 6 for the synology system. That update apparently broke a lot of programs (nzbget is one and Sickrage is another). I of course use both of these and so I have been leary about upgrading....but I may jump off the cliff in the coming weeks and do it, so I wanted to update to the newest nzbget if possible at that time.



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